Confinement, teleworking, children unable to go to school … are some of the current circumstances that have increased anxiety and stress in our society. But there are many ways to fight, and some are offered by nature itself. Numerous studies have determined that some plants have properties that can help us calm our nerves, so it is good to have them at home.
Peppermint is not only useful for cooking, but; its scent can reduce frustration and enhance awareness.
Jasmine its essence has a calming and relaxing effect. Antiseptic: Oil applied to wounds is a very good natural disinfectant.
Aloe de Vera purifies the air of carcinogenic elements and emits oxygen at night.
Lavender has been used in aromatherapy for centuries and has the ability to calm nerves, lower heart rate, and fight depression.
Basil This plant has linalool as a component that has been determined to reduce the activity of certain genes that are accelerated during stressful situations.