It is a new Year, a new day for new opportunities. We are beginning a new chapter of our lives, and that deserves celebration.
As we welcome in the new year, we must remember all the things we have accomplished. We got through a lot; a pandemic, a new way of living, a new way of working, we learned that our bodies and our health should take president in our lives. We are not invincible.
So, lets begin the new year not with the same resolutions that we always, have but let us begin knowing that this year is our evolution. The year we became better people, healthier and we accept that to better ourselves we need to change bad habits and adopt new ones that play an important role in creating a better us.
Say goodbye to old habits.

We all have bad habit. Eating junk food, saving that workout for “tomorrow” or even that diet that we will “start on Monday,” that is every Monday. We become too dependent on those tomorrows or Mondays. We also became too infatuated with creating the perfect body and we take extreme measures to do so. We are used to creating excuses for ourselves that we forget what we are capable off.
Eating your way to a healthy lifestyle.
So, what can we do? The first thing to do is change your mind set. Many people make their new year’s resolution to “lose weight,” which can be a good resolution, however that notion can be discouraging. Instead, we recommend changing your mind set. As an alternative to that dreadful weight loss plan, view it like a “healthy lifestyle change.” Eating healthy can be the start to your new lifestyle. That junk food that you have everyday change it to every other day or start with small portions and stop before it will ruin your appetite. preparing a healthier meal and eating smaller portions and more protein as well as vegetables to help you stay fuller longer. Remember eating is important and skipping meals can “help” you lose weight fast, but it can lead to binge eating and eventually lead to gaining weight as fast and more than before. Another habit that can help your new year is taking your supplements and vitamins. Every day you need vitamins and supplements to give your body extra strength to help with naturally occurring aging factors that can prevent you from losing weight or creating an exercise regimen. Small changes in your eating habits can encourage you and paired with regular exercise and daily supplement intake, you will notice the difference in energy and eventually your body.
Working out for a better lifestyle

We all put off working out, it happens. we tell ourselves that “we can do it tomorrow” or the infinite “I’ll start Monday.” We get busy, it has been done multiple times and like those eating habit workout habits can be done in small increments, something that works for you. Start with a walk in the park, taking the stairs or signing up for your closest gym. Begin with cardio to start your weight loss. Forget about lifting and resistance training, for now concentrate on a small set goal. Cardio gets your heart rate going and it starts burning more calories. Running is a great way to begin a cardio exercise regimen. You can also begin with jump rope, it can burn up to 10 calories a minute, implementing a 30-minute jump rope in your cardio routine can be an efficient way to start losing those extra pounds. As you start your cardio routine, you can work your way up to resistant training. resistance training and weight lifting can help you gain and maintain muscle mass. The most important thing about resistance training is weight lifting is a correct form and to take it slow so you can feel the connection between your muscles and joints without stressing them. As you begin your new workout evolution make sure that you do it at your own pace, for your own body.
Internal lifestyle change.

Recharging your body can be hard. Giving yourself the mental break that you deserve is particularly important. There is no easy way to change your lifestyle, but knowing you can is a start can make a big difference. As much as a diet an exercise can change you, it will not make any difference if you do not also change your internal habits, both mentally and emotionally. Thinking long term in a lifestyle change is the best way to start your new year. Preparing yourself for a change not only in your body but also your mind. Knowing that this is the year where you really change those bad habits that hold you down. Those bad thoughts that make you think that “you can’t do it,” or that “you’ll start Monday” This is going to be the year where not only your body changes but also your mind. For long lasting lifestyle change. Remember that it takes 30 days for you to feel the difference, 60 days for you to see the difference and 90 days for everyone else. Be patient and give yourself and your body time.