News — back pain
Ay Bendito
Sticking to at Home Workouts
It has been a long year. With COVID-19 we have been confined to our homes and fitness has taken a backseat. We have been forced to learn a different way of taking care of our bodies and because it is easy to stray from a healthy lifestyle, sticking to home workouts has been difficult. FINDING A NEW ROUTINE With gyms being closed or limited, it is important to find a new fitness routine that fits a lifestyle that we have been all forced to live. Finding your goal is the first step; whether it is weight loss, muscle gain or...
Ay Bendito
How to Use Yoga to Improve Your Back Health
Yoga has been around for thousands of years and remains globally popular even today. People are going to gyms and attending courses during their free time and on their doctor’s advice. Still standing the test of time, yoga remains a popular and effective means to relax and to improve one’s health. As more people maneuver into white-collar jobs in IT, where hours of sitting a day are expected, work-related conditions such as chronic back pain are becoming ever more frequent. Yoga is known to cure or, at least relieve, these conditions naturally. This partly explains why so many companies...
Ay Bendito
Back pain when sleeping?
Does just thinking about going to bed make you dizzy? Does your pain get worse after lying down for a while? Do you interrupt your sleep because of back pain? Then you suffer from classic back pain when sleeping or low back pain when sleeping. This is very common in those who suffer from low back pain such as hernias and arthrodesis. When you have a painful crisis of these diseases the static positions are intolerable. If this is your case, try to change positions frequently or take shorter breaks. In addition, there are people who find relief by sleeping...
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