News — pain relief

We are important

We are important

We have become exceptionally good at avoiding our bodies needs when they need us the most. We forget to eat, exercise and take our supplements. Our excuses? We are busy. But if we think about the benefits maybe we can grasp that our health mentally and physically is extremely important. Nutrition We are creatures of habit. We wake up under the sound of an alarm., we shower, put our clothes on, we do everything according to the time we have available after that alarm goes off.  But we do not think about eating a good breakfast, and it is true...

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Sticking to at Home Workouts

Sticking to at Home Workouts

It has been a long year. With COVID-19 we have been confined to our homes and fitness has taken a backseat. We have been forced to learn a different way of taking care of our bodies and because it is easy to stray from a healthy lifestyle, sticking to home workouts has been difficult. FINDING A NEW ROUTINE With gyms being closed or limited, it is important to find a new fitness routine that fits a lifestyle that we have been all forced to live.  Finding your goal is the first step; whether it is weight loss, muscle gain or...

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Booty Builder

Booty Builder

Want to build a lifted booty without the bulk? These five Pilates moves will tone your gluten in no time. The best part? You don’t need any equipment. Just find floor space and get ready for some serious booty burn! Quadruped Leg Lifts Pulses Up Begin on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Lift and lengthen your right leg back and your left arm forward. Engage through your core and maintain a neutral spine as you pulse your arm and leg up. Repeat 20 times. Bent-Knee Leg Lift Next, ground your left...

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