News — bone health

New year, New you

New year, New you

09Jan It is a new Year, a new day for new opportunities.  We are beginning a new chapter of our lives, and that deserves celebration. As we welcome in the new year, we must remember all the things we have accomplished.  We got through a lot; a pandemic, a new way of living, a new way of working, we learned that our bodies and our health should take president in our lives. We are not invincible. So, lets begin the new year not with the same resolutions that we always, have but let us begin knowing that this year is...

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We are important

We are important

We have become exceptionally good at avoiding our bodies needs when they need us the most. We forget to eat, exercise and take our supplements. Our excuses? We are busy. But if we think about the benefits maybe we can grasp that our health mentally and physically is extremely important. Nutrition We are creatures of habit. We wake up under the sound of an alarm., we shower, put our clothes on, we do everything according to the time we have available after that alarm goes off.  But we do not think about eating a good breakfast, and it is true...

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Find balance in uncertain times with meditation.

Find balance in uncertain times with meditation.

There are many things going on in the world. Many things feel uncertain and the end of doubtfulness and the unknown seems far.  However, Mediation can help your body and mind to maintain a better peaceful balance daily. There are multiple studies( that show that if you meditate can help your nervous system calm your body and muscles. To be able to maintain this peaceful state, there are a few tricks that can be used daily to help you achieve it. LET’S START WITH SPACE AND TIME. Begin with finding a peaceful area. This is important because your mind needs to...

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How to Use Yoga to Improve Your Back Health

How to Use Yoga to Improve Your Back Health

  Yoga has been around for thousands of years and remains globally popular even today. People are going to gyms and attending courses during their free time and on their doctor’s advice. Still standing the test of time, yoga remains a popular and effective means to relax and to improve one’s health. As more people maneuver into white-collar jobs in IT, where hours of sitting a day are expected, work-related conditions such as chronic back pain are becoming ever more frequent. Yoga is known to cure or, at least relieve, these conditions naturally. This partly explains why so many companies...

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